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A beginner's look at smart pointers in modern C++

New (!) ways of memory management.

Pointers in C and C++ languages are wild beasts. They are extremely powerful, yet so dangerous: a little oversight may wreak havoc on your whole app. The problem: their management is completely left up to you. Every dynamically allocated object (i.e. new T) must be followed by a manual deallocation (i.e. delete T). Forget to do that and you will end up with a nice memory leak.

Moreover, dynamically allocated arrays (i.e. new T[N]) require to be deleted with a different operator (i.e. delete[]). This forces you to mentally keep track of what you have allocated, and call the right operator accordingly. Using the wrong form results in undefined behavior, something you really want to avoid at all costs when working in C++.

Another subtle problem lies in ownership. A third-party function returns a pointer: is it dynamically-allocated data? If so, who is responsible for the cleanup? There is no way to infer such information by simply looking at the return type.

The idea behind smart pointers

Smart pointers were born to fix the annoyances mentioned above. They basically provide automatic memory management: when a smart pointer is no longer in use, that is when it goes out of scope, the memory it points to is deallocated automatically. Traditional pointers are now also known as raw pointers.

I like to think of smart pointers as boxes that hold the dynamic data. In fact they are just classes that wrap the raw pointer in their bowels and overload the -> and * operators. Thanks to this trick a smart pointer offers the same syntax of a raw one. When a smart pointer goes out of scope, its destructor gets triggered and the memory cleanup is performed. This technique is called Resource Acquisition Is Initialization (RAII): a class wrapped around a dynamic resource (file, socket, database connection, allocated memory, ...) that gets properly deleted/closed in its destructor. This way you are sure to avoid resource leaks.

Smart pointers can be seen as a rudimentary form of garbage collection: a kind of automatic memory management where object are automatically deleted when are no longer in use by the program.

Bonus point: in case a third-party function returns a smart pointer, you can quickly deduce its type, what you can do with it and how the data lifetime is managed.

Types of smart pointers in modern C++

C++11 has introduced three types of smart pointers, all of them defined in the <memory> header from the Standard Library:

  • std::unique_ptr — a smart pointer that owns a dynamically allocated resource;
  • std::shared_ptr — a smart pointer that owns a shared dynamically allocated resource. Several std::shared_ptrs may own the same resource and an internal counter keeps track of them;
  • std::weak_ptr — like a std::shared_ptr, but it doesn't increment the counter.

You might have also heard of std::auto_ptr. This is a thing from the past, now deprecated: forget about it.

Things look confusing right now, especially which type of smart pointer one should use. Don't worry, I'm going to cover them all in the following paragraphs and in the next episode. Let's dig deeper!

Understanding std::unique_ptr: the lone one

A std::unique_ptr owns of the object it points to and no other smart pointers can point to it. When the std::unique_ptr goes out of scope, the object is deleted. This is useful when you are working with a temporary, dynamically-allocated resource that can get destroyed once out of scope.

How to construct a std::unique_ptr

A std::unique_ptr is created like this:

std::unique_ptr<Type> p(new Type);

For example:

std::unique_ptr<int>    p1(new int);
std::unique_ptr<int[]>  p2(new int[50]);
std::unique_ptr<Object> p3(new Object("Lamp"));

It is also possible to construct std::unique_ptrs with the help of the special function std::make_unique, like this:

std::unique_ptr<Type> p = std::make_unique<Type>(...size or parameters...);

For example:

std::unique_ptr<int>    p1 = std::make_unique<int>();
std::unique_ptr<int[]>  p2 = std::make_unique<int[]>(50);
std::unique_ptr<Object> p3 = std::make_unique<Object>("Lamp");

If you can, always prefer to allocate objects using std::make_unique. I'll show you why in the last section of this article.

std::unique_ptr in action

The main feature of this smart pointer is to vanish when no longer in use. Consider this:

void compute()
    std::unique_ptr<int[]> data = std::make_unique<int[]>(1024);
    /* do some meaningful computation on your data...*/
} // `data` goes out of scope here: it is automatically destroyed

int main()

The smart pointer goes out of scope when the compute() function reaches the end of its body. It's destructor is invoked and the memory cleaned up automatically. No need to take care of anything else.

One resource, one std::unique_ptr

I could say that std::unique_ptr is very jealous of the dynamic object it holds: you can't have multiple references to its dynamic data. For example:

void compute(std::unique_ptr<int[]> p) { ... } 

int main()
    std::unique_ptr<int[]> ptr = std::make_unique<int[]>(1024);
    std::unique_ptr<int[]> ptr_copy = ptr; // ERROR! Copy is not allowed
    compute(ptr);  // ERROR! `ptr` is passed by copy, and copy is not allowed

This is done on purpose and it's an important feature of std::unique_ptr: there can be at most one std::unique_ptr pointing at any one resource. This prevents the pointer from being incorrectly deleted multiple times.

Technically this happens because a std::unique_ptr doesn't have a copy constructor: it might be obvious to you if you are familiar with move semantics (I've written an introductory article about it if you aren't). In the second part of this article I will show you how to pass smart pointers around the right way.

Understanding std::shared_ptr: the convivial one

A std::shared_ptr owns the object it points to but, unlike std::unique_ptr, it allows for multiple references. A special internal counter is decreased each time a std::shared_ptr pointing to the same resource goes out of scope. This technique is called reference counting. When the very last one is destroyed the counter goes to zero and the data will be deallocated.

This type of smart pointer is useful when you want to share your dynamically-allocated data around, the same way you would do with raw pointers or references.

How to construct a std::shared_ptr

A std::shared_ptr is constructed like this:

std::shared_ptr<Type> p(new Type);

For example:

std::shared_ptr<int>    p1(new int);
std::shared_ptr<Object> p2(new Object("Lamp"));

There is an alternate way to build a std::shared_ptr, powered by the special function std::make_shared:

std::shared_ptr<Type> p = std::make_shared<Type>(...parameters...);

For example:

std::shared_ptr<int>    p1 = std::make_shared<int>();
std::shared_ptr<Object> p2 = std::make_shared<Object>("Lamp");

This should be the preferred way to construct this kind of smart pointer. I'll show you why in the last section of this article.

Issues with arrays

Until C++17 there is no easy way to build a std::shared_ptr holding an array. Prior to C++17 this smart pointer always calls delete by default (and not delete[]) on its resource: you can create a workaround by using a custom deleter. One of the many std::shared_ptr constructors takes a lambda as second parameter, where you manually delete the object it owns. For example:

std::shared_ptr<int[]> p2(new int[16], [] (int* i) { 
  delete[] i; // Custom delete

Unfortunately there's no way to do this when using std::make_shared.

std::shared_ptr in action

One of the main features of std::shared_ptr is the ability to track how many pointers refer to the same resource. You can get information on the number or references with the method use_count(). Consider this:

void compute()
  std::shared_ptr<int> ptr = std::make_shared<int>(100);
  // ptr.use_count() == 1
  std::shared_ptr<int> ptr_copy = ptr;   // Make a copy: with shared_ptr we can!
  // ptr.use_count() == 2
  // ptr_copy.use_count() == 2, it's the same underlying data after all
} // `ptr` and `ptr_copy` go out of scope here. No more references to the 
  // original data (i.e. use_count() == 0), so it is automatically cleaned up.

int main()

Notice how both ptr and ptr_copy go out of scope at the end of the function, bringing the reference count down to zero. At that point, the destructor of the last object detects that there aren't any more references around and triggers the memory cleanup.

One resource, many std::shared_ptr. Mind the circular references!

The power of multiple references may lead to nasty surprises. Say I'm writing a game where a player has another player as companion, like this:

struct Player
  std::shared_ptr<Player> companion;
  ~Player() { std::cout << "~Player\n"; }

int main()
  std::shared_ptr<Player> jasmine = std::make_shared<Player>();
  std::shared_ptr<Player> albert  = std::make_shared<Player>();

  jasmine->companion = albert; // (1)
  albert->companion  = jasmine; // (2)

Makes sense, doesn't it? Unfortunately, I have just created the so-called circular reference. At the beginning of my program I create two smart pointers jasmine and albert that store dynamically-created objects: let's call this dynamic data jasmine-data and albert-data to make things clearer.

Then, in (1) I give jasmine a pointer to albert-data, while in (2) albert holds a pointer to jasmine-data. This is like giving each player a companion.

When jasmine goes out of scope at the end of the program, its destructor can't cleanup the memory: there is still one smart pointer pointing at jasmine-data, that is albert->companion. Likewise, when albert goes out of scope at the end of the program, its destructor can't cleanup the memory: a reference to albert-data still lives through jasmine->companion. At this point the program just quits without freeing memory: a memory leak in all its splendor. If you run the snippet above you will notice how the ~Player() will never get called.

This is not a huge problem here, as the operating system will take care of cleaning up the memory for you. However you don't really want to have such circular dependencies (i.e. memory leaks) in the middle of your program. Fortunately the last type of smart pointer will come to the rescue.

Understanding std::weak_ptr: the shallow one

A std::weak_ptr is basically a std::shared_ptr that doesn't increase the reference count. It is defined as a smart pointer that holds a non-owning reference, or a weak reference, to an object that is managed by another std::shared_ptr.

This smart pointer is useful to solve some annoying problems that you can't fix with raw pointers. We will see how shortly.

How to construct a std::weak_ptr

You can only create a std::weak_ptr out of a std::shared_ptr or another std::weak_ptr. For example:

std::shared_ptr<int> p_shared = std::make_shared<int>(100);
std::weak_ptr<int>   p_weak1(p_shared);
std::weak_ptr<int>   p_weak2(p_weak1);

In the example above p_weak1 and p_weak2 point to the same dynamic data owned by p_shared, but the reference counter doesn't grow.

std::weak_ptr in action

A std::weak_ptr is a sort of inspector on the std::shared_ptr it depends on. You have to convert it to a std::shared_ptr first with the lock() method if you really want to work with the actual object:

std::shared_ptr<int> p_shared = std::make_shared<int>(100);
std::weak_ptr<int>   p_weak(p_shared);
// ...
std::shared_ptr<int> p_shared_orig = p_weak.lock();

Of course p_shared_orig might be null in case p_shared got deleted somewhere else.

std::weak_ptr is a problem solver

A std::weak_ptr makes the problem of dangling pointers, pointers that point to already deleted data, super easy to solve. It provides the expired() method which checks whether the referenced object was already deleted. If expired() == true, the original object has been deleted somewhere and you can act accordingly. This is something you can't do with raw pointers.

As I said before, a std::weak_ptr is also used to break a circular reference. Let's go back to the Player example above and change the member variable from std::shared_ptr<Player> companion to std::weak_ptr<Player> companion. In this case we used a std::weak_ptr to dissolve the entangled ownership. The actual dynamically-allocated data stays in the main body, while each Player has now a weak reference to it. Run the code with the change and you will see how the destructor gets called twice, correctly.

Final notes and thoughts on smart pointers

In this article I wanted to sum up the different types of smart pointers in C++ and their properties. In the next one I will show you how to make use of these tools in a real application. Let's finish this overview with some additional thoughts.

I like smart pointers. Should I get rid of new/delete forever?

Sometimes you do want to rely on the new/delete twins, for example:

  • when you need a custom deleter, as we saw earlier when we added support for arrays in std::shared_ptr;
  • when writing your own containers and you want to manually manage the memory;
  • with the so-called in-place construction, better known as placement new: a new way to construct an object on memory that's already allocated. More information here.

Are smart pointers slower than raw ones?

According to various sources (here and here), performance of smart pointers should be close to raw ones. A little speed penalty might be present in std::shared_ptr due to the internal reference counting. All in all, there is some overhead, but it shouldn't make the code slow unless you continuously create and destroy smart pointers.

The rationale behind std::make_unique and std::make_shared

This alternate way of building smart pointers provides two advantages. First of all, it lets us forget about the new keyword. When working with smart pointers we want to get rid of the new/delete evil combo, right? Secondly, it makes your code safe against exceptions. Consider calling a function that takes two smart pointers in input, like this:

void function(std::unique_ptr<A>(new A()), std::unique_ptr<B>(new B())) { ... }

Suppose that new A() succeeds, but new B() throws an exception: you catch it to resume the normal execution of your program. Unfortunately, the C++ standard does not require that object A gets destroyed and its memory deallocated: memory silently leaks and there's no way to clean it up. By wrapping A and B into std::make_uniques you are sure the leak will not occur:

void function(std::make_unique<A>(), std::make_unique<B>()) { ... }

The point here is that std::make_unique<A> and std::make_unique<B> are now temporary objects, and cleanup of temporary objects is correctly specified in the C++ standard: their destructors will be triggered and the memory freed. So if you can, always prefer to allocate objects using std::make_unique and std::make_shared.

Sources - std::unique_ptr - std::shared_ptr - std::make_shared - std::weak_ptr
Wikipedia - Smart pointer
Rufflewind - A basic introduction to unique_ptr
IBM - Stack unwinding
Herb Sutter - GotW #102: Exception-Safe Function Calls
StackOverflow - Advantages of using std::make_unique over new operator
StackOverflow - shared_ptr to an array: should it be used?
StackOverflow - When is std::weak_ptr useful?
StackOverflow - How to break shared_ptr cyclic reference using weak_ptr

Marc Panther on October 29, 2018 at 11:27
weak_ptr feels just like regular pointers. Those working in pre-c++11 will know how to set a raw pointer to NULL as a habit, and using "if (ptr)" to check if the ptr is valid. Why not just use raw pointers for these cases, and no introduce another syntatic sugar like weak_ptr?
barteroff on October 30, 2018 at 19:37
Hi there! Thanks for the nice introduction to the smart pointers! One thing though, make_shared was introduced since C++11.
on November 01, 2018 at 18:31
Thank you @barteroff, fixed!
on November 01, 2018 at 18:35
@Marc Panther I guess that weak_ptr's feel like a natural companion of shared_ptr's given the purpose they serve... In addition to this, with raw pointers you are missing the useful weak_ptr::expired() method that checks whether the referenced object has been already deleted.
Robert Andrzejuk on November 26, 2018 at 18:04
@MarcPanther weak_ptr is a companion to shared_ptr, to be used to eliminate dependancy cycles.
Khaled Waleed on April 18, 2019 at 18:56
Amazing article, Thank you very much.
zipzap on April 19, 2019 at 03:34
Parminder Dhesi on June 13, 2019 at 20:28
Nice and subtle explainaton. Please keep up the good work !
chainer on July 04, 2019 at 20:59
Many thanks for your articles. Your explanations are very helpful and good to follow.
Brian on July 06, 2019 at 01:58
Calling your function with two unique pointers is undefined behavior until C++17. Prior to that, the order of initialization was undefined such that the compiler could new the first pointer, new the second, throw, without ever wrapping the first in a unique_ptr, resulting in a leak. The C++17 standard guarantees the entire expression in the first argument is evaluated before moving to the second.
Triangles on July 10, 2019 at 15:07
@Brian thanks for pointing that out!
Grace on August 14, 2019 at 19:56
Milind on August 16, 2019 at 06:09
Let me admit , one of the cleanest , to the point and no non sense blog I have ever came across . I have saved it in my bookmark :) (its worth)
Paulus Of Tall on September 06, 2019 at 11:24
Thank you, this is clean, concise and to the point. You explain this perfectly and have removed my fear of smart pointers. Off to read more of your site now :D
taiBsu on November 14, 2019 at 13:24
Thanks a lot for that blog! Perfect descriptions.
Nail on November 24, 2019 at 21:22
Great and well explained tutorial!
Thanks a lot!
Sandhya on February 26, 2020 at 11:55
Good Content. very userful.
Ross on May 26, 2020 at 20:46
Pretty good tutorial!
Max on May 27, 2020 at 11:42
Thanks for the great post. Your walk through was nicely structured and understandable.
Gonzalo on June 05, 2020 at 17:15
Nice one! Really useful and nice to read
embewee on June 11, 2020 at 11:37
Very good introduction to smart pointers. Thanks!
Cool guy on July 03, 2020 at 16:46
Nice tutorial, especially keeping in mind, that raw pointers are depricated in c++ 20
swapnil on September 06, 2020 at 09:04
Nice explaination!!
The hell is this GEM on September 18, 2020 at 20:10
I have watched videos and tuts but man this content is made of gold! Best tut I have seen!
Guy on March 22, 2021 at 09:31
Clear explanations! Thank you.
swag on June 16, 2021 at 17:12
nice article
Rahul on July 31, 2021 at 06:36
Thank You for such simple & easy to understand explanation.
Greg on April 03, 2023 at 02:23
Thank you! I love these articles - you explain things at exactly the right level :)
Rajnish on November 26, 2023 at 02:13
super , very nice explaination