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Articles in this category

Lock-free multithreading with atomic operations

Synchronizing threads at a lower level. written on July 21, 2019

Introduction to thread synchronization

A look at one of the most popular ways of concurrency control in a multithreaded application. written on May 10, 2019

Modules and packages: how to create a Python project

A quick and dirty tutorial on how to get things done. written on January 16, 2019

Move smart pointers in and out functions in modern C++

Different options with different meanings. written on December 24, 2018

Constant pointers vs. pointer to constants in C and C++

Pointer, constant pointer, pointer to constant, constant pointer to constant: what else? written on December 10, 2018

A beginner's look at smart pointers in modern C++

New (!) ways of memory management. written on October 23, 2018

The differences between "using" and "typedef" in modern C++

Two ways of defining type aliases for a smarter code. written on August 22, 2018

C++ rvalue references and move semantics for beginners

A collection of personal notes and thoughts on rvalue references, their role in move semantics and how they can significantly increase the performance of your applications. written on June 02, 2018

What are the C and C++ Standard Libraries?

A brief tour into the realm of writing C/C++ applications, the role of the Standard Library and how it is implemented in various operating systems. written on February 26, 2018

C++ namespaces with private members

A cool alternative to the C way of having static global variables. written on March 18, 2017

Understanding the meaning of lvalues and rvalues in C++

A lightweight introduction to a couple of basic C++ features that act as a foundation for bigger structures. written on September 15, 2016

Object literals vs constructors in JavaScript

I want to use JavaScript in a more object-oriented way. written on June 20, 2016

Experimenting naive EUR/USD algo-trading

What happens when you blindly trade with a very dumb script in the year range 2000-2015. written on June 08, 2016

Run painless test suites in Python with Unittest

A gentle introduction to aggregate tests that will be executed together. written on March 02, 2016

Install Python modules with Pip behind a proxy

What to do when a proxy server steps on your toes? written on January 29, 2016

The Central Limit theorem

Experiments on the fundamental theorem that explains why many distributions tend to be close to the normal distribution. written on November 28, 2015

How to get basename from file path in Bash

A one-line solution thanks to the Parameter Expansion. written on October 19, 2015

Let Automake build and run your test cases

Add easy support for testing your program. written on September 08, 2015

Recursing subdirectories with Autotools

Automake can recurse into subdirectories and compile source files from there. written on July 26, 2015

Logging in Python with sub-modules and configuration files

Python logging introduces lots of concepts and configuration options. I'm going to smooth them out for good. written on June 27, 2015

How to expose Java beans to a JSP page in Spring MVC

ServletContextAttributeExporter definitely saved my life. written on June 09, 2015